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gerrit Newbie

Joined: 14 May 2004 Posts: 24
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 2:42 pm Post subject: XML |
Has someone some experience in parsing XML files? Is there may a function to Parse them?
I don't kenw how to do it, because I dont think that's possible with the parse Command.
;)) Thanks,
Gerrit _________________ ___________________
Gerrit Corsmeyer
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FreezingFire Admin Team

Joined: 23 Jun 2002 Posts: 3508
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 6:49 pm Post subject: |
Welcome to the forums, Gerrit!
VDS doesn't include an XML parsing component, but it can be done. What
kind of XML file are you planning to parse?  _________________ FreezingFire
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gerrit Newbie

Joined: 14 May 2004 Posts: 24
Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 10:40 pm Post subject: My project... ;) |
Hi FreezingFire, thanks for the Welcome... ;)
Well I think to go a bit more than this..
I wrote a small Programm witsh will write Combustion Workspaces.
Combustion is a Compositing tool like Photoshop (i.e. After effects) just for working on film and Video's. I'm Working since 12 Jears in this Job as (mostly) Demo artist.
The big Problem of all these Film Company's is that they are not communicating to another software, so I tried to learn C++ to just Mixx some Lists in a logical Position together. It was a desaster to do this in C++ .. Copycat.. Thousend of classes and this bloody ";" witsh I forgot every line....
Than I found (was wery hard to find) VDS, and like every other scripting laguage I was wery fast to Produce something useful.
After a Half jear Work I got this damm Workspace done without any kind of development or description on their company side. (kind of reverse engeneering..)
Okay now to come to the Point..
I can now Write with my tool these Workspaces, but some of the NLE (Non Linear Editing) Company's write just XML Files of any nessesary Parameters in a timeline.
My Problem is that I can just write this file by loading a List (Textfile) and Processing the Data.
When these Companys are not writing exactly my Textfile than I cant Process this file.
Some of these Company's only support XML Output, and they don't want to spepnd any Programmer to make my tool Working. They all Want it, also all the Customers who bought Combustion, but they don't wanna spend some time to Make this working.
I'm not doing this to make the big mony. I'm doing this because I'm also a customer, and it pisses me off that some BIG Fat Company's earning so mutsh mony while some small Company's have a very good tecnoligy or idea behind it, and U can't brig the result into another software. Other words I want to blast off some big comp's with it.
What I want is to may scan eatsh line in a XML file. I don't knew exactly the XML Description jet.
<layer foo>
<Filename 12 50 13 12>
<Scale Layer foo 50 50>
</layer foo>
What I need to do is to load them into a list... already done it with Html Files. And then to find a string <Layer XXXXXX> If I found this string I will scan eatsh other line for the Param's until </Layer XXXXXX>
For this I need just the command to do this... How it works I will figure out myself... to save some time here.. ;)
I think that's all I need to do, because when I knew how to seperate the XXXXX than I can Process the Data by the same.
I realy did'nt find a command/func to search in a line of a list for a specific string and the next following chr's until the > Or Space put in Variable Foo....
I hope that you can undersand... my bloody english i meen.... ;)))
Thanks a Lot... ;)
Gerrit _________________ ___________________
Gerrit Corsmeyer
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jules Professional Member

Joined: 14 Sep 2001 Posts: 1043 Location: Cumbria, UK
Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 7:33 am Post subject: |
There isn't a command to do this. You would have to write some code.
I would build some parsing routines with code like:
Code: | # %L is a line of text read from a list
%P = @pos(<Layer,%L)
%P = @succ(%P)
%S = @substr(%L,%P)
until @equal(%S," ")@equal(%S,">") |
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gerrit Newbie

Joined: 14 May 2004 Posts: 24
Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 1:04 pm Post subject: |
Thanks jules..
That was exactly what I needed...
Made a function for it, but still have Problems with characters like " " and "="??
(Missing Parameter(s) to command)
Do I need to use the @Chr() Function for these sign's?
Function is:
Code: |
#define function,xmlparse
%%StrgToParse = %1
%%SearchStrg_length = @sum(@LEN(%2),1)
%%SearchStrg = %2
%%StrgToParseStart = @pos(%%SearchStrg,%%StrgToParse)
rem **** Parse End of Searched String ****
%%Pos = @pos(%%SearchStrg,%%StrgToParse)
%%Pos = @succ(%%Pos)
%%Comp = @substr(%%StrgToParse,%%Pos)
until @equal(%%Comp,%3)
rem @equal(%%Comp," ")
rem **** Output of Searched String ****
%%StrgOutput_Length = @sum(%%pos,-1)
%%OutputStrg = @substr(%%StrgToParse,@sum(%%StrgToParseStart,%%SearchStrg_length),%%StrgOutput_Length)
rem %%OutputStrg = @substr(%%StrgToParse,@sum(%%StrgToParseStart,%%SearchStrg_length),@sum(@sum(%%StrgToParseStart,%%SearchStrg_length),%%StrgOutput_Length))
Exit %%OutputStrg
Funktion Call:
Code: |
#include XMLParseString2
rem <Format Name="AVI" GUID="{56FF688E-738F-4d35-94C1-AFB579CC2164}" version="2.0" MediaType="VIDEO" StreamCount="1" Author="Somebody">
%%st = <Format Name="AVI" GUID="{56FF688E-738F-4d35-94C1-AFB579CC2164}" version="2.0" MediaType="VIDEO" StreamCount="1" Author="Somebody">
rem info <Format Name="AVI" GUID="{56FF688E-738F-4d35-94C1-AFB579CC2164}" version="2.0" MediaType="VIDEO" StreamCount="1" Author="Somebody">
info @XMLParse(%%st,Format Name,"=")
Gerrit _________________ ___________________
Gerrit Corsmeyer
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gerrit Newbie

Joined: 14 May 2004 Posts: 24
Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 1:48 pm Post subject: ...???? ;( |
Tried around a lot, but I can't get this Func working....
To Parse a XML File it's nessesary to search Chr's like "=" @Chr(32) and " " @Chr(61).
But my Func. is still telling me that he's missing a Parameter..??
I tried now with...
Code: | @XMLParse(%%st,Format Name,@CHR(32))
@XMLParse(%%st,Format Name,@CHR(61))
@XMLParse(%%st,Format Name," ")
@XMLParse(%%st,Format Name,"=")
I think there must be something Basic wrong
Still a beginner...
Pleeezzeee Master
Gerrit _________________ ___________________
Gerrit Corsmeyer
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FreezingFire Admin Team

Joined: 23 Jun 2002 Posts: 3508
Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 5:23 pm Post subject: |
Did you create a user-defined function XMLParse?  _________________ FreezingFire
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Vic D'Elfant Past Contributor

Joined: 26 Jun 2002 Posts: 673 Location: The Netherlands
Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 6:01 pm Post subject: |
I assume that you need to parse a value between two XML tags... am I right?
Well, I needed such a thing a while ago... I've posted the code below, you can have a look if it's of any use
Code: |
external string.dll
#define function, string
%%StartTag = <title>
%%EndTag = </title>
%%String = <title>Hello!</title>
info @trim(@string(GetAfter, @string(GetBefore, %%String, %%EndTag), %%StartTag))
This code requires string.dll to work.
EDIT: Oops.. uhm... I didn't saw that you needed to get the parameters of a xml tag. Perhaps this code still is of any use. I would recommend you to use the string.dll to do the string manipulating, it's much more faster then VDS itself.
Vic _________________ phpBB Development Team |
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gerrit Newbie

Joined: 14 May 2004 Posts: 24
Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 10:05 am Post subject: |
Hi FreezingFire, Vic...
Jeeep, did this Func by myself... with a bit help from Jules.
With this I learned how to use the SubStr func.
I tried a bit mor, and figured out that my little Problem has nothing to do with the Func. It seem's that SubStr Function doesn't take any signs witsh are used by VDS itself "()=, ", eaven if they are defined with a @Chr() Func. <-- is this possible??
If yes, are all Func's limited to this?
Well my plan was to prvent external dll's first, and learn the basic language of VDS. But if this is a limitation, than there is no other way than to use a DLL.
The point is when I use myown Func, than I can tweek it as needed, and understand how the basic parsing of soem param's work.
The XML what I want to parse looks like this, and I think I need to parse in a more complex way than just <></>...
When I parsed everything, I need to find a way to put the colected data in a kind of order to put it into my other programm that he writes a CWS (Combustion Workspace)
May someone of the have an Idea..
But thanks Vic, I will into the DLL anyway...
Code: |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ConversionInfo SYSTEM "mediainfo.dtd" >
<InputFile Name="E:\temp\Media_incite\tt.avi" StreamNumber="0" PrefFilter="RiffSrc" MediaType="VIDEO"/>
<OutputFile Name="E:\temp\Media_incite\after_capturing.avi">
<Format Name="AVI" GUID="{56FF688E-738F-4d35-94C1-AFB579CC2164}" version="2.0" MediaType="VIDEO" StreamCount="1" Author="Somebody">
<Description>Some usefull information for end-user</Description>
<MediaStream MediaType="VIDEO" Default="YES" StreamNumber="0">
<Parameters><Parameter Name="FrameRate" Value="20.000000"/></Parameters><Compressor Name="Matrox MPEG2 I-frame" GUID="" fccHandler="mmes" fccCompression="">
<Parameters><Parameter Name="VideoCodecString" Value="766964736D6D65730F0000003421000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"/><Parameter Name="KeyFrame" Value="1"/></Parameters></Compressor>
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Gerrit Corsmeyer
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vdsalchemist Admin Team

Joined: 23 Oct 2001 Posts: 1448 Location: Florida, USA
Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:47 pm Post subject: |
Welcome Gerrit,
I am not sure what your XMLParse is supposed to return but take a look at the changes I have made to it and tell me if this is close to what you want?
Code: | #define function,xmlparse
rem #include XMLParseString2
rem <Format Name="AVI" GUID="{56FF688E-738F-4d35-94C1-AFB579CC2164}" version="2.0" MediaType="VIDEO" StreamCount="1" Author="Somebody">
%%st = <Format Name=@CHR(34)AVI@CHR(34) GUID=@CHR(34){56FF688E-738F-4d35-94C1-AFB579CC2164}@CHR(34) version=@CHR(34)2.0@CHR(34) MediaType=@CHR(34)VIDEO@CHR(34) StreamCount=@CHR(34)1@CHR(34) Author=@CHR(34)Somebody@CHR(34)>
rem info <Format Name="AVI" GUID="{56FF688E-738F-4d35-94C1-AFB579CC2164}" version="2.0" MediaType="VIDEO" StreamCount="1" Author="Somebody">
info @XMLParse(%%st,Format Name,@chr(61))@CR()
%%StrgToParse = %1
%%SearchStrg_length = @sum(@LEN(%2),1)
%%SearchStrg = %2
%%StrgToParseStart = @pos(%%SearchStrg,%%StrgToParse)
rem **** Parse End of Searched String ****
%%Pos = @pos(%%SearchStrg,%%StrgToParse)
%%Comp = @substr(%%StrgToParse,%%Pos)
%%Pos = @succ(%%Pos)
until @equal(%%Comp,%3)
rem @equal(%%Comp," ")
rem **** Output of Searched String ****
%%StrgOutput_Length = %%pos
%%OutputStrg = @substr(%%StrgToParse,%%StrgOutput_Length,@len(%%StrgToParse))
rem %%OutputStrg = @substr(%%StrgToParse,@sum(%%StrgToParseStart,%%SearchStrg_length),%%StrgOutput_Length)
rem %%OutputStrg = @substr(%%StrgToParse,@sum(%%StrgToParseStart,%%SearchStrg_length),@sum(@sum(%%StrgToParseStart,%%SearchStrg_length),%%StrgOutput_Length))
Exit %%OutputStrg |
If the string your tring to parse is assigned to a variable in VDS you need to either use double quotes like so %%st = ""MyString"" or use @chr(34) like so %%st = @chr(34)MyString@chr(34).... If you are reading from a file I don't think you have to worry about changing it. Like I said I am not sure what your function is supposed to return. Let me know and I will modify it for you if you need me to. _________________ Home of
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vdsalchemist Admin Team

Joined: 23 Oct 2001 Posts: 1448 Location: Florida, USA
Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 9:56 pm Post subject: |
I thought about this some more and here ya go... I think you should be able to add features to this but this is the basics. I am sure it can be optimised more but you should be able to do simple XML/HTML parsing with this script. About the only thing it may have trouble with is the DOCTYPE tag and you will have to use an external loop to get tags that are repeated in the XML??? Still needs more work but have fun it's a start
Code: | #define function,xmlparse
rem #include XMLParseString2
# Create a VDS string list
List create,1
# Load the sample XML/HTML into the string list
List loadtext,1,
"<?xml version="1.0"?>
"<!DOCTYPE ConversionInfo SYSTEM "mediainfo.dtd" >
" <InputFile Name="E:\temp\Media_incite\tt.avi" StreamNumber="0" PrefFilter="RiffSrc" MediaType="VIDEO"/>
" <OutputFile Name="E:\temp\Media_incite\after_capturing.avi">
" <Format Name="AVI" GUID="{56FF688E-738F-4d35-94C1-AFB579CC2164}" version="2.0" MediaType="VIDEO" StreamCount="1" Author="Somebody">
" <Description>Some usefull information for end-user</Description>
" <CopyRight></CopyRight>
" <Title>Drama</Title>
" <MediaStream MediaType="VIDEO" Default="YES" StreamNumber="0">
" <Parameters>
" <Parameter Name="FrameRate" Value="20.000000"/>
" </Parameters>
" <Compressor Name="Matrox MPEG2 I-frame" GUID="" fccHandler="mmes" fccCompression="">
" <Parameters>
" <Parameter Name="VideoCodecString" Value="766964736D6D65730F0000003421000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"/>
" <Parameter Name="KeyFrame" Value="1"/>
" </Parameters>
" </Compressor>
" </MediaStream>
" </Format>
" </OutputFile>
# Save the contents of the string list into a VDS variable
%%st = @Text(1)
# Call our XMLparse function
# This function is just for simple XML/HTML queries it is not a full inplementation of XML parsing
# it returns fragments of XML/HTML or values to Attributes.
# You have to know the tag/Attribute names and the level that the tags/attributes are at to use this function in other words it's XPath as
# described by Micro$oft's XML parser. This function does not use
# Micro$ofts XML parser but it does use a similar approach to parsing XML.
# Also Note: Whitespace is ignored but left intact so if your
# XML/HTML has tabs or spaces those are left in the return value.
# Syntax:
# %A = @XMLParse(<XML/HTML to Parse>,<TagPath\NextTagLevel\...[Optional Attribute]>)
info @XMLParse(%%st,ConversionInfo\OutputFile\Format\MediaStream\Compressor\Parameters\Parameter[Value])@CR()
# Initialize our variables
%%StrgToParse = %1
%%SearchStrg = %2
# Save the current field seperator so we can return it for later use if needed.
%%OldSep = @fsep()
# Parse the XML/HTML Path if there is one looking for the last tag in the path consuming the XML/HTML and Search Path as it loops.
if @Greater(@Pos(\,%%SearchStrg),0)
Option FieldSep,\
PARSE "%%level",%%SearchStrg
if @Greater(@len(%%level),1)
if @UnEqual(@len(%%level),@len(%%SearchStrg))
%%SearchStrg = @SubStr(%%SearchStrg,@sum(@len(%%level),2),@len(%%SearchStrg))
%%Pos1 = @Pos(%%level,%%StrgToParse)
%%StrgToParse = @SubStr(%%StrgToParse,%%Pos1,@len(%%StrgToParse))
Until @Equal(@len(%%level),@len(%%SearchStrg))
# We found the tag or tags we want to return so check if the user wants an attribute's value
# or the whole tag...
If @Greater(@Pos([,%%SearchStrg),0)
Option FieldSep,[
PARSE "%%TagName;%%AttrName",%%SearchStrg
%%StrgToParse = @SubStr(%%StrgToParse,@Pos(%%TagName,%%StrgToParse),@len(%%StrgToParse))
%%AttrName = @SubStr(%%AttrName,1,@pred(@len(%%AttrName)))
%%Pos1 = @Pos(%%AttrName,%%StrgToParse)
%%Attr = @SubStr(%%StrgToParse,%%Pos1,@len(%%StrgToParse))
%%Pos1 = 1
%%Pos2 = @pred(@Pos(>,%%Attr))
%%Attr = @SubStr(%%Attr,1,%%Pos2)
%%Pos1 = @Succ(@Pos(=,%%Attr))
%%AttrVal = @SubStr(%%Attr,%%Pos1,@len(%%Attr))
%%Pos2 = @Pos(@chr(34),%%Attr)
%%Pos2 = @Diff(@len(%%AttrVal),%%Pos2)
Option FieldSep,@chr(34)
Parse "%%Val;%%Other",%%AttrVal
%%AttrVal = %%Val
Option FieldSep,%%OldSep
%%OutputStrg = %%AttrVal
%%Pos1 = @Succ(@Pos(<%%SearchStrg,%%StrgToParse))
if @Greater(%%Pos1,0)
if @Greater(@Pos(</%%SearchStrg>,%%StrgToParse),0)
%%Pos2 = @Sum(@Pos(</%%SearchStrg>,%%StrgToParse),@len(</%%SearchStrg>))
elsif @Greater(@Pos(/>,%%StrgToParse),0)
%%Pos2 = @Sum(@Pos(/>,%%StrgToParse),@len(/>))
%%OutputStrg = <@SubStr(%%StrgToParse,%%Pos1,%%Pos2)
# Set our field seperator to it's original character.
Option FieldSep,%%OldSep
Exit %%OutputStrg
Oops found a problem so I made a change. This is now a newer version. Ok I have added a few comments about what this function does and how to use it. Naturally this is only a simple parsing routine and is not a full implementation of XML parsing. _________________ Home of
Give VDS a new purpose!

Last edited by vdsalchemist on Mon Jun 07, 2004 3:06 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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gerrit Newbie

Joined: 14 May 2004 Posts: 24
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 3:03 am Post subject: WOW... |
I need a while to understand what exactly you did there..
but Thanks a lot...
gerrit  _________________ ___________________
Gerrit Corsmeyer
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